A crescent moon, an Earth Goddess and a White Hawk. These symbols are sure to have specific meaning to the family that now owns this painting, but with the celebration of the Lunar New Year, I found myself drawn to share this piece.
The Lunar New Year falls between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. It is a time to celebrate new beginnings. The seeds of purpose that have been buried in our subconscious mind can begin to emerge. The stage is prepared for new life, renewal and awakening.
In the painting you will find a waxing crescent moon shining down upon the earth below. Looking into symbolism of the waxing crescent moon, you may discover new growth and creativity. The moon reminds us of cycles and transitions. The moon is connected to our emotions, receptivity and intuition. Like the moon illuminating upon reflection of the sun, we may reflect upon our dreams, our wonderment, our inner truth, allowing personal illumination and balance to come into place.
The White Hawk stretches his mighty wings and soars. He has the power of higher perspective, the power of focus, freedom and clear vision. The hawk is able to rise above, gaining perspective of the larger picture. The hawk holds the vision for the whole, the All, the complete.
Receiving the moon’s illumination and the White Hawk’s clear vision, we see the Earth Goddess presenting a Flower of Life to the world. Mother Earth brings us life, nourishment, sustenance and support. It is upon Earth that we manifest our dreams and desires. It is upon the Earth that we play out our lessons in new growth, opportunity and creativity.
During this time of celebrating the Lunar New Year, take time to validate You, as the great being of creativity and limitless possibilities. Honor your own Moon Wisdom. Be like the Great White Hawk and discover your clear sight. Find your grounded connection to the Earth and begin to manifest your dreams as reality.
It is my hope that as we walk upon this Earth together, we discover our unique gifts and purpose, learning to share and communicate them in loving kindness, radiating joy, peace, truth and love into the world and beyond.
Happy Lunar New Year to you all!