There is so much to take in. To receive. Moments to cherish. Fulfillment from life. Nature’s beauty. A rose. The toddler barely visible within the puffy snow suit. The animals. Our beloved companions. Love of family and friends. The endearing stranger we meet on the street. There is so much. The littered street. Plastic. Excess. Earthquakes. War. Suffering. There is so little. Time. I can’t possibly take in all that life has to offer. All the love. All the suffering. So, I turn my gaze towards the small things. These I can receive. Fully. These I can share. Moments of awareness. Discovery. Awe. Time stops. I can pick up the trash that is before me. I can be a listening ear. And when the smallest glimmer of light radiates and shines before me, In the most unexpected places, I can share this with you. A reminder to stop and smell […]
Category Archives: Photography
Moments in Time

I get a break in my work day. It’s not a lunch break, for I stay with the students and eat my sun butter and jelly sandwich right alongside them. My break comes later. Thirty minutes. Enough time for a moment to myself, but not so much time that I become engaged in other matters. I sit with my back against the building and begin to observe my surroundings. Cars parked in the lot. Garbage dumpsters in view. A pebble in the crack of a sidewalk. I am pleased to observe life, typically overlooked in the hustle of a day. I have this moment. I see life growing out of weathered cement. Colorful pebbles and peeling paint become my companions. Nearby, the railroad tracks call to me. A bug becomes my friend. I am thankful for these moments and feel at peace.
Grounding: A Foundational Tool for Life’s Experiences

It’s a fast paced world, these days. Often it may seem there’s not enough time in the day to accomplish tasks at hand. We are faced with daily distractions, an influx of information to dissect, an array of people with varying beliefs, ideas and propaganda. People experience unease, fear and anxiety. Some feel discomfort in their own body, among crowds, or in the whole of society as they see it. Yet, others may have difficulty managing anger, excitement or experiences from the past or projected future. How can one find ample space to BE, to discover, express and live by their own Truths in joy and peace? Luckily for us, a plethora of tools exist to assist us in life, the most foundational being that of Grounding. With mindful awareness focused on Grounding, we begin to experience more clarity, peace, joy, and security. If you don’t already have Grounding as one of your tools, it’s […]
Roses – What’s with All the Roses?

By referencing roses in the month of February, one might anticipate a post about love, friendship, and appreciation for others. Nope. Not here! Though, I will speak about roses as they relate to personal development. Roses are known to be symbols of love, friendship, purity, all depending upon the color of the rose. Some traditions find that when gifting roses to another, one must send an appropriate color associated with personal intent and feelings. Simply based on color alone, there’s potential for miscommunication. Oh, my, it’s so complicated! I am proposing another use for the beautiful rose, in which color does not matter. In past blogs, “Cloudy with A Chance of Sunshine” and “Glitter Money & Anxiety,” I mentioned how we can get stuck on pictures, ideas, thoughts, emotions that no longer serve us well. I spoke about our ability to find neutrality and simply release our hold on […]
Glitter Money & Anxiety

There was a time in my not so far distant past, when I was feeling anxious about money. Money was something I felt I needed for survival. Curious how that happens. It seemed to me that not enough money was flowing in my direction; or perhaps it flowed too swiftly back into the Sea of Intangible Wealth. As I alluded to in a past blog, Which, What, Who, I’ve spent time searching for my next career path in support of financial stability and personal goals. It shouldn’t be so hard, right? I’m aware of the power of thought. I am aware of the concept of manifesting our reality. I saw The Secret. Heck, attracting money and abundance… It’s a Law, isn’t it? Okay, to be fair, I have not studied the Law of Attraction or done the exercises in The Secret. Maybe I missed out, but as the movie/book […]
Cloudy, with a Chance of Sunshine

As of late, I have not found my inspiration to blog. I skipped November and this is the beginning of a rewrite I had started for December. Originally, I began to write about inner light. “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.” It’s the season of celebrating light of all kinds; the birth of the Child of Light, the miracle of Hanukkah candles burning, store fronts and streets aligned with lights because, um, it’s a pagan ritual celebrating the return of light at the winter solstice? Oh, it’s good for business. ‘Tis the season of outer light illuminations. All well and good. Yet, when I began to write about inner light shining, I recognized that I was feeling more in the shadows. During the busy holiday season, perhaps if we’re lucky, mindful and/or aware, we will acknowledge the inner light within ourselves and others, radiating out to […]
Kindergarten, Clairvoyance & Pepperoni Pizza

Summer is here! Kindergarten is out! Many of you may not know that I am involved in early childhood education. I have just completed another, yes, wonderful year of kindergarten; but now it’s time for delights of summer: gardening, sleeping in, relaxing. As much as I enjoy being with kindergarten children all day long, by the time June rolls around, I enthusiastically embrace the summer break. With my new found down-time, I have ample opportunity for self-reflection. Feeling inspired by the joy I find in healing work, I wanted to share my experience in creative imagery as it relates to healing and spiritual growth. When working with a client on the intuitive level within a session, imagery will accompany the healing. I’m not talking about images of clients’ past traumas or hidden secrets. What seems to be very random images will appear to me. Sometimes dolphins or bears show up. […]
In Search of Beauty

March, a time of beautiful, glistening snow, peaceful & quiet, a stillness of beauty as light reflects, creating diamonds shining forth, a sparkling joy to behold… PAUSE. What? Am I talking about late March in Minnesota? 2014? I wish it were beautiful and peaceful. I think it is safe to say that most of us Minnesotans have had enough of the cold. We are ready for spring. It was around this time some years ago when I so longed for the warmth of spring, but more so, beauty. March had reached the point in which the snow was melting, roads were wet. Mud was splashing and celebrating, for now was Mud’s time of year! Everything looked dirty. No signs of spring. No buds. Grass that did appear along edges of melting snow was brown and lifeless. Where was the Beauty? Within this black mixture of discards and snow, objects of […]

It is my intention to bring interests in healing, art and photography all under one umbrella. As one may offer a companion, protection from the elements, by sharing an umbrella, I too, hope to bring together companions on life’s sacred journey; beauty, light, nature, healing, discovery, creativity, uncertainty, wonderment, vulnerability, joy, love, validation… May these experiences find a sanctuary for expression and healing under the umbrella of Delightful Healing Arts. Writing & Photography by Amy Laederach.